Saturday, January 24, 2009

Creating and using digital audio in learning

Last Thursday afternoon, David spoke about creating digital audio files with, or for, students. He outlined some of the reasons why educators are using open-source (free) software, such as to produce a regular school news report or building an bank of audio for pupils who have problems accessing text. David provided tips on using Audacity software to create mp3 files and on uploading audio files to the internet. He spoke of how to tap into the many free educational audio resources (such as podcasts) which are on the web.

To watch the edited replay of the online meeting click here (it lasts just over 20 minutes). Links from David's talk on creating and using digital audio in learning are below:

LAME encoder
Radio Sandaig
Education podcast directory
The Levelator
Garageband 3
Freesound project
Podsafe music