Access Network starts off the new session in style
Two Access Network events have taken place so far during September. Firstly, Dawn from the Glow Team at LTS in Glasgow joined us to give a presentation and answer questions on the Glow portal which is currently being 'rolled out' in parts of Scotland. If you haven't had a chance to find out about Glow or wish to keep up-to-date with developments, you can click here. Additionally you can email David at for the web address of a replay of the meeting. The meeting witnessed the first use of a PowerPoint show to compliment a presentation within an Access Network Flashmeeting.
The following day, some members of the network met with Janice and Susan, SQA verifiers for Access 1 and 2, for a shared 'verification development visit'. We found out more about external and internal verification and were able to share materials and receive constructive feedback.
We also discussed:
- the possibility of changes to Access following 'The Consultation on the Next Generation of National Qualifications in Scotland'
- support packs (with embedded NABs) for Access 2 Personal Development (ten in all!) available from the SQA secure site. Access 3 materials are here
- imminent improvements to Access 2 English and ICT courses
- that SQA usually focus External Verification on those units with the largest uptake, and that have a March - May completion date
- Retrospective Verification is unlikely at present, though the recommendation is to keep your NABs until October (for a May completion date)
- taking photos of pupils' creative work so that they can, if they wish, take their work away with them at the summer break
- if staff are delivering the same unit in the same centre, they should meet to standardise the evidence requirements, including the amount of support to be permitted during the completion of NABs (this could be recorded on Internal Verification documentation)
- that the Oral Communication unit (Access 2 English) may require a recording in the future
- that External Verifiers will only verify one unit of a course
- that the clear labelling of evidence is important as verifiers may not have direct experience of the unit (this is also the case when submitting amended NABs to the SQA for 'prior moderation'
- the skill of setting NABs at the right time, for example if a pupil is 'troubled' or regularly absent
- that a 'not accepted' decision on a NAB by verifiers holds back all entries for that unit
- if a pupil is entered at Access 2 and only completes one Outcome, you should withdraw them and re-enter for Access 1 accreditation
- that it is OK to change the format of NABs (many of the new support packs are in PDF and Word format)
- following the current SQA review of Access qualifications, there will soon be no Access 2 units without a NAB (note that there are no NABs for free-standing Access 1 units)
- the new SQA Access 1 and 2 website, which has the new Access 1 units, background information and updates etc
- that if a teachers provides support for a pupil to complete a NAB, it is good practice to record this somewhere on the NAB
- where a pupil has completed Access 3 English in S4 and is staying-on, the Access 3 Communication Core Skill unit may be appropriate
- Skillstart versus Skills for Work
- the requirement within the Access 2 Language Study unit for a pupil to produce written evidence
- awareness that pupils are entered at the correct level. The evidence requirements across Access 2 currently vary; it is unlikely that a pupil will work at Access 2 across all subjects (for example, if they are sporty they may be entered for a couple of Intermediate 2 units in PE)
- that a checklist (also outlining the context of the assessment opportunity) must go alongside a recording of evidence for the Access 2 Oral Communication unit.
Many thanks to all who attended this very informative and supportive event. It is hoped that a shared 'verification development visit' will take place yearly.
The next online meeting takes place on Thursday, 18th September when participants will collaborate on a shared response to 'The Consultation on the Next Generation of National Qualifications in Scotland'. To take part, please email David at .
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