Thursday, April 24, 2008

Access Maths discussion

The first Access Network Flashmeeting since the Easter break saw six teachers from a range of provision meet online to discuss Access 1 to Access 3 Maths resources, strategies and assessment.

Much of the discussion centred on good resources, not all of which are specifically for Access units. Generic PowerPoint, interactive whiteboard and web resources were mentioned as were sections of textbooks and workpacks.

Some participants spoke about delivering their units and courses across the curriculum, making explicit links and real-life contexts. Examples included pupils running a cafeteria; working within SVS and the five experiences; and tying in with independent living programmes eg budgeting finances, searching internet, shopping, and cooking own meals.

There was discussion about some pupils finding it difficult to complete an Access course. Reasons included attendance 'tailing off' and demotivation due to not sitting the Foundation Standard Grade at the end of their studies. Examples were given of all pupils working through the Access 3 course (completing early on in S4) and then working towards the Foundation papers if they wished.

Although the new Maths in Actions books (S31 and S41) are aimed at Access 3/Foundation, there were concerns over the amount of content, lack of relationship between chapters and NABs, and minimum reading age. Some are still using the Using Mathematics packs from the start of Higher Still.

Colleagues spoke about producing their own resources at Access 1/2 and opportunities arose to share. It was mentioned that a secure area may be available in the medium-term for Access Network members to upload/download resources.

Some links:

Education City
BBC Celebdaq
BBC Skillswise - entry level 3
Nelson Thornes - Maths - The Basic Skills (curriculum edition)
TeeJay Maths