Friday, November 14, 2008

Access English Flashmeeting

We welcomed Sean, an Education Manager in Dumfries, to our Access English session. Firstly, we spoke about possible changes following 'A Consultation on the Next Generation of National Qualifications in Scotland'. There was concern at the lack of up-to-date resources suitable for Access English, including exemplar NABs responses and workshops.

We looked at the practicalities of delivering English/Literacy across the curriculum and through activity-based learning. Resources on the LTS and BBC websites were recommended, as well as using graphic novels or comics (even as the basis of a written or spoken Personal Study).

The Access 3 Personal Study (spoken response) was discussed, with examples given of how this has been approached. We looked at whether any types of media would be excluded from being the basis of the study and how a 'show and tell' approach might be effective. Gathering video evidence ('Diary Room' style) for the Access 2 Communication unit was looked at (some schools in England use Flashmeeting for this purpose).

Attendees were encouraged to attend the TeachMeet event in the Borders on 20th February next year, where Ollie Bray will be talking about Graphic Novels.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Access Network - November update

The Access Network is a free educator-to-educator CPD resource, which connects teachers of Access units and courses, via regular online web conferences. All you need is: a computer with internet access, headset/speakers (and webcam if you wish), and that is not blocked by your network.

There will be an Access Network online meeting during each of the next 3 weeks. Details are below.

· Thursday,13th November from 4.10-5pm - Discussion on anything to do with Access English units and courses

· Thursday, 20th November from 4.10-5pm - Update and discussion on A Curriculum for Excellence (rescheduled from October)

· Thursday, 27th November from 4.10-5pm - Discussion on anything to do with Access Maths units and courses.

If you would like to participate and haven’t already signed-up, or would like to find out more about the network, please contact David at