I am pleased to announce that I am now taking bookings for the 'Practical Strategies for Pupils with Dyslexia' online meeting, which will take place on Thursday, 28th February from 4.15-5.15pm. We will hopefully be joined by one of the world's leading experts on Dyslexia, live from Kuwait!
I have approached LTS to secure input from their ACfE team for the rescheduled ACfE update Flashmeeting. This event will take place on Thursday, 13th March from 4-5pm. Again, please email me
noble_d@hillsideschool.co.uk if you would like to participate. Details of all this terms events are available
There was significant interest in the Access ICT meeting which took place last Saturday morning. The time seemed to suit some colleagues, therefore I will probably pencil-in a Saturday AM Flashmeeting at least once per term.
I would appreciate the following support as I plan future meetings. I am looking for a teacher who is working towards Chartered Teacher status via the MTeach route who would be willing to share their experiences. Also, I would love to hear from colleagues who would be willing to 'show and tell' a resource, project or strategy that would be of interest to Access Network participants.
Finally, if any teacher would like a free educators' log-in for Flashmeeting, which would allow you to book web conference space for, for example you, your colleagues, or class, then get in touch and I will forward your request to the relevant Open University staff.