Friday, December 29, 2006

2007 - A way forward for The Access Network?

It has been clear recently that due to change of circumstance, retiral, job transfer etc, many of those who attended previous meetings would no longer be doing so. Added to that, some attendees felt that it was not in their interest to attend each meeting. Although anecdotally there is still demand for a face-to-face get-together, I have recently considered how the ethos of the network could live-on in a different incarnation.

Over the next three months, I will be in touch with residential schools, 'off-site' units, special schools, and other establishments which deliver Access units and clusters, to advertise the launch, around Easter 2007, of Access Network Radio. The outline of the idea is to, monthly, release a radio show on the internet which a) communicates national developments in Access provision, and b) showcase 'best practice' among those teachers who are developing Access courses, resources, experiences, assessments etc.

The nature of my correspondence with establishments will be to advertise the launch, invite collaboration and contribution, and to identify 'best practice' to be shared (this would be done via a face-to-face or telephone, recorded conversation). 'Best practice' could be in relation to ACfE, Health Promoting Schools etc, or just what is plain effective in the classroom.

A 'community of practice' may develop ie interaction between professionals; however the main aim during 2007 will be to establish good content in the show (which would be of around 20 minutes duration), and a reliable means of hosting or delivering the audio (podcast) so that educators can easily access the show, and give feedback and make contributions if desired.

If you wish to be part of Access Network Radio in any way, please leave a comment or email me at

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