Monday, February 21, 2005

SQA response to Access Network questions

SQA reply to issues raised during the Jan 05 Access Network

1. Who is taking over from Margaret Miller?

Sandy Riddell as of 31 January 2004

2. With regard to assessment arrangements for internally assessed units - it would appear that the main unit which requires discussion with SQA for readers/scribes etc is Access 3 English. Is this the only one?

In most cases, it is not necessary to contact SQA for SAA for internally assessed units, provided that the outcomes/pcs are not compromised. EG Assessment of knowledge of home economics by written communication - a scribe may be used. Assessment of the skill of written communication - a scribe cannot be used without discussion with SQA. If in doubt, discuss concerns with SQA. Further, as many candidates at this level have difficulty in writing it is acceptable for someone to record their answers on checklists etc for evidence requirements. Candidates may also use their normal mode of communication eg signing or augmentive equipment. The exceptions to this are where the skills being assessed are writing or speaking (usually in units where core skills are embedded) and an alternative interpretation of the outcome may be required.

3. Access subjects - which ones are under review?

Access 3 subjects are under NQ Review with higher level courses in their subject. This information is on SQA's website. Access 2 Music is being evaluated at present and may be reviewed.

4. Moderation for Access units - seems to be missed out of the loop. Schools would like to be moderated - in special schools it is often one teacher offering the course and they appreciate the support and advice of an External Moderator.

I have informed Jean Allan, Head of Moderation

5. Several centres have successfully submitted assessment material for prior moderation. It would be extremely useful if SQA circulated a list of such material.

Again - I will ask Jean Allan about this. Please also note that SQA have a Support Network database which centres can sign up to. They can then interrogate the database to see which centres are offering specific provision and are willing to share materials and expertise.

6. There are concerns about the link between Access 2 and Access 3 and it is difficult for candidates to progress upwards. For example in Science and Home Economics.

I have informed colleagues in SQA of these issues.

7. Is it possible for SQA to clarify the levels of support allowed for Access 1 candidates? A guidance document was circulated regarding Home Economics - other subjects would benefit from the same guidance.

Levels of support are defined in the unit specifications for the Supported units at Access 1. At present, there are only 6 Healthy Basic Cooking units at this level. There are more planned - subject to resources.

Veronica Kirk
Customer Account Manager for Fife and Midlothian
01334 650277
07748 181326

Minutes of Access Network - January 2005

Minutes of Access Network meeting held on Friday, 28th January 2005 at Hillside School, Aberdour

Bryan Wilson - Wellington
Sheila Mitchell - St. crispins
Morag McGlashan - Hyndhead School
Tom Laurie - Kibble
Anne Ainsworth - Kaimes
Lesley Munro - Snowdon
Janet Dickson - Royal Blind School
Alyson Patrick - Willowpark
David Noble - Hillside, Aberdour
Veronica Kirk - SQA, Dalkeith
Rachel Hill - Stanmore House
Rosaleen Steele - Craighead School
Susan Stewart - St Andrews School
Nancy McKinnon - Hazelwood

Veronica gave an overview of, ‘Scottie’ and ‘Rex’. She spoke on Special Assessment Arrangements, confirming that there are no special arrangements for internal assessment. She stated that there will be a reduction in External Moderation. The group did not welcome this development. Veronica mentioned that there will be an SQA Customer Conference on 12th May at The Radisson, Glasgow. Further details will be issued to centres. A Q & A session followed (detailed SQA answers are attached).

The process of external moderation for amended NABs was discussed. Where NABs had been materially adjusted, they were to be sent to the SQA Moderation Teams in Glasgow. The ‘turnaround’ varied, but attendees were generally satisfied with this process. David Noble mentioned that his electronic NABs for the Access 3 Art and Design cluster would be made available to network members following such moderation. Tom Laurie spoke of the benefits of receiving a Development visit, or a Moderation visit. He stated that he felt there was little difference between these services and therefore he recommended a Moderation visit as this is free. Veronica suggested that we may wish to invite Margaret Millar’s replacement at the SQA to our next meeting. It was decided that we would invite one or two members of the Moderation Team (Access and Science) to the next meeting.

Tom spoke of assessment materials that he has produced for:

Personal Care
Residential Experience
WWO Core
Using Technological Equipment

Tom urged colleagues to contact their local authority education department in order to obtain their free password for the Gridclub website (

David Noble spoke of The Umbrella Programme (Independent Living) (see as a way of offering pupils a PSE qualification. He also introduced the group to The 4 Aces (at, an English resource.

Art links between Snowdon, Hillside and Stanmore Hall were briefly discussed.

The next meeting has been set for 20th May, to be held at Hillside School, Aberdour. Moderation (of Access 1 and 2, and Access Science) will take place during this session, therefore attendees have been asked to bring examples of assessments.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Latest Access Network meeting

The latest meeting took place at Hillside School at the end of January. Veronica Kirk (SQA Account Manager) was in attendance. Minutes of the meeting to follow...